We are providers of innovative, fit-for-purpose, sustainable solutions for urban mobility
As system intergrators, STraffic provides added-value services by sourcing for the best-available technologies from multiple markets and business sectors, and then adapting and integrating them to offer optimal-solutions tailored to clients requirements.

Talent Resources and Experience
- 76% of team members are engineers with more than ten years of experience
- 6% of our resources are invested in R&D
- 809 projects for 114 clients in 13 countries through Sep 2023

Core Technologies
- Comprehensive solutions from System Architecture Design through Development and System Integration
- ETCS based on 5.8GHz DSRC and ISO 18000-6C RFID
- Mobile e-Ticketing, Smart Card and Open Payment Solutions for AFC Systems
- ITS to meet IEEE1609(WAVE)
- CBTC based Railway Signaling System to meet IEEE1474 standard
- LTE–R and PS-LTE to comply with 3GPP standard

Year-over-Year Growth through Sustainable Practices
- Customer-focused value propositions through long-term partnerships
- Ongoing R & D for future technologies and for advanced service delivery capabilities
- Assuring business results through rigorous planning and focus on high performance, efficient solutions